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5 Ways You Can Prevent A Slip Or Fall At Your Workplace

It can be frustrating to know that your business property is at risk of slips and falls. Unfortunately, property damage can occur at any time, and it can be costly to repair or replace damaged items. This blog will discuss how you can protect your business property from slips and falls.

1. Maintain adequate lighting

To prevent slips and falls and preserve your business property's value, it is vital that adequate lighting be maintained. Poor or inadequate light can cause problems with the visibility of any potential hazards, throw off and confuse an employee, causing them to become distracted and result in accidents more often. Perhaps most importantly, poor lighting also increases damage from falls. Proper illumination must not be so bright that it presents a hazard but should give strong enough light for employees to see what they are doing.

2. Repair potholes and uneven surfaces

Slips, trips & falls as they are also commonly known can be prevented simply in many cases. One way you can prevent accidents is by repairing dents on the floor or uneven surfaces. Doing this will reduce the possibility of slipping or falling and hopefully have fewer accidents taking place.  If you see uneven surfaces at your workplace, have them checked out and repaired as soon as possible to avoid accidents. Working in a workplace with poor facilities and insufficient safety can put employees at risk. Another way to protect your business property from slips and falls is by installing signage indicating where hazardous areas are. This will help keep employees safe while on the job and reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring in those areas. 

3. Ensure handrails are stable and securely fastened

Prevention is always better than cure. By installing handrails and ensuring that they are stable and securely fastened, you can avoid missteps and falls in your workplace area. Guardrails are designed to support the weight of hands and feet. Therefore, the installation of handrails should be an essential part of any fall prevention program for all work areas. A good practice is to conduct regular inspection of the safety equipment used in your work area and rectify any guardrails that may have gotten loose or anything else that can result in a slip or a fall. Equipment such as ladders pose a particular risk of injury if not used safely.  If you notice any worn areas or damage to safety equipment, bring this to the attention of your supervisor to have it fixed or replaced. Proper use and maintenance of safety equipment ensures that these devices work properly and are compliant with all applicable safety regulations. Finally, training employees on fall prevention and keeping a safe working environment are essential steps in preventing accidents at work.

4. Have an accident prevention plan in place

Most accidents can occur due to a lack of awareness. The recognition of hazards and prevention is simple yet very important. It is imperative that every company put in place its Safety Policy Plan within organizations that involve heavy workloads and operations. A safety plan will help decrease the accidents in your workplace and prevent hazards and dangers from occurring through negligent work processes, resulting in serious injuries or fatalities. Furthermore, a safety plan at the company will assist in educating workers on preventative measures to prevent workplace accidents.

5. Keep emergency kits handy and in stock

Despite all precautions, there may be possibilities of slips and falls at your workplace. Therefore, keeping an emergency kit handy is essential to help anyone injured. This emergency kit should include adequate medical supplies and safety equipment such as first aid kits, bandages, etc., grouped with any other necessary items. Business owners should consider educating everyone in the workplace about what to do and how one can treat their injured co-workers. It is best to avail the services of a healthcare professional to train the employees on the components of a first-aid kit and their various uses. In addition, companies should also keep the elements of a first-aid kit in stock to provide care when any accidents occur. 

Business property can be a valuable asset, but it can also be vulnerable to slips and falls. Maintaining a safe work environment begins by ensuring that the property is well lit and free of hazards, such as potholes and uneven surfaces. It's also essential to have an accident prevention plan in place and keep emergency kits stocked in case of an unforeseen event. Through the consultation of a professional, you can get the most comprehensive safety measures for your business.

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